Percy settled down to the life of a stoma; pooping, passing wind, co-writing and posting blogs (THE OSTOMY FACTOR), at the same time broadening his activities as a model for custom designed haute pooture underwear that accommodate stomas and their bags, while providing abdominal support.
Percy's reputation grew steadily, helped by earning an Eol. Of Poopology, (Eol. Experience Of Life). During 2012, Percy saw continued recovery and the publication of the book, Better WITH a Bag Than IN a Bag, that is based on his creation, his life and his adventures. He was asked to be the model for an oil painting titled, “Percy a Self-Portrait”, the artwork that graces the front cover of the book. Percy has continued his literary endeavours by collaborating and co-authoring along with his ostomate Jo-Ann L. Tremblay on two more books, Another BAG Another DAY, and BAGs Around The World.
Percy is looking forward to future presentations and literary collaborations by sharing first hand experiences talking stoma to stoma, and stoma to ostomate.
Percy's Story

Created in Ottawa, Canada on the 21st of July 2011, Percy Stoma started his existence by being a life saver, right from the get go. His first of many public presentations was to the resident ET Nurse, within a few days of creation at the Ottawa Hospital. He returned to Orleans, Canada, later that month and with an un-snap of his bag he continued to perform presentations for a multitude of audiences that included; community ET Nurses, Home Care Nurses and Doctors, which in his opinion made him an overnight success.